So if you read GQ Magazine, then you've probably seen Scott Schuman's work. He's been covering (street) fashion photography for 5 years on his blog,; as well as for GQ. With 15 years of experienve in the fashion industry, he closed the doors to his showroom and decided to grab his camera & shoot everyday people on the streets of New York that he noticed had a flare for indivualised fashion.
Schuman shoots from a designer's perspective; looking for colors, pattern mixing, proportions, and genre variations. He doesnt judge the entire outfit as good or bad, but rather at its potential for inspiration. In the 5 years he's been posting to his blog, he has parlayed that into a monthly column for GQ, recurring spots on, and even a guest speaker on international fashion industry panels.
I personally know that whenever i see his photos in GQ, i always do double takes. Its as if im seeing the people on the street firsthand. Everyday folks that dont really look like celebritites at all, but simply stand out because they look incredibly well put together. You;ll be surprised how inspiring it is. Even from a non-fashion perspective they are just intriguing to look at.
And i cant spend too much time on the website because it makes me want to dig through my closet and start mixing wild new outfits from the old stale crap sitting around, haha which wouldnt be a bad thing if i had some new ish up in there, but I DONT. So then i go out shopping which leads to trouble, ya feel me? LOL anyway, Scott just finished a book that is being released this month compiled of his favorite pictures from the site archives titled (surprise!!):" The Sartorialist". Its definately going on my list of (usually) random books to pic up next time I'm at B&N. On a related note, im also getting the itch to head back to NY, lol
edit: I was unsure about the legalities of posting his picks directly on here, but the post feels so naked without something, so i took a couple screen shots. You may recognize the guy in the first pic. The story behind it is completely random too! lol small world..

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