At Kirin we're brand conscious, but we're not label whores. If a product is made with a high quality, does what it should, and looks good doing it then we'll check it out.
With that said, Microsoft's newest, and some say last chance at the mobile phone market has definitely earned our seal of approval.
Windows Phone 7 ( or WP7) was originally supposed to be released with the Launch of the Windows 7 Desktop OS two years ago but due to delays in programing got pushed back. If you have had a Windows Mobile phone in the past you wont recognize these at ALL. WP7 is an entirely new build for Windows Mobile devices which means they started from scratch.
They combined the Zune HD with all of the Window's desktop essentials including a complete Microsoft Office mobile Suite and came out with a pretty solid system. WP7 will have all the usual smartphone features such as access to a mobile marketplace (and all you can eat style Zune Pass!),navigation via Bing maps or google, on screen keyboards, etc. I think the most stand out feature will be the access to Xbox Live. Which will allow users to connect with friends, compare achievements, and play mobile versions of your favorite games. This will probably be the closest we come to a hand held Xbox and with the multitude of device manufacturers making both touch screen only-and keyboard WP7 phones, the future of xbox gaming looks bright. Its already launched in Europe and set to launch in November on US shores. So get to your carrier's site and see what phones they have coming your way. It may not be "magical" but it will be capable of some pretty cool tricks regardless.
With that said, Microsoft's newest, and some say last chance at the mobile phone market has definitely earned our seal of approval.
Windows Phone 7 ( or WP7) was originally supposed to be released with the Launch of the Windows 7 Desktop OS two years ago but due to delays in programing got pushed back. If you have had a Windows Mobile phone in the past you wont recognize these at ALL. WP7 is an entirely new build for Windows Mobile devices which means they started from scratch.
They combined the Zune HD with all of the Window's desktop essentials including a complete Microsoft Office mobile Suite and came out with a pretty solid system. WP7 will have all the usual smartphone features such as access to a mobile marketplace (and all you can eat style Zune Pass!),navigation via Bing maps or google, on screen keyboards, etc. I think the most stand out feature will be the access to Xbox Live. Which will allow users to connect with friends, compare achievements, and play mobile versions of your favorite games. This will probably be the closest we come to a hand held Xbox and with the multitude of device manufacturers making both touch screen only-and keyboard WP7 phones, the future of xbox gaming looks bright. Its already launched in Europe and set to launch in November on US shores. So get to your carrier's site and see what phones they have coming your way. It may not be "magical" but it will be capable of some pretty cool tricks regardless.
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